Internship Advice

Internship - Photo Of People Holding Each Other's Hands

How to Land an Internship with No Prior Experience?

Securing an internship can be a crucial step in launching your career, but it often presents a challenge for those with no prior experience. Many students and recent graduates find themselves in a catch-22 situation where they need experience to land an internship, but they need an internship to gain experience. However, with the right…

Legal Rights - Brown Gavel

What Are the Legal Rights of Interns in the Workplace?

Internships can be a valuable stepping stone for individuals looking to kickstart their careers and gain hands-on experience in a particular industry. However, despite the benefits that internships offer, it is essential for both interns and employers to understand the legal rights that interns are entitled to in the workplace. Interns, like all employees, have…

Virtual Internships - Photo of Boy Using Vr Headset

Are Virtual Internships Worth It?

In today’s fast-paced digital age, the concept of internships has evolved significantly. Gone are the days when internships required physical presence in an office setting. With the rise of technology, virtual internships have become a popular alternative for students and professionals alike. But the question remains, are virtual internships worth it? Let’s delve into the…

Unpaid Internships - Woman Crying over Unpaid Bills

Can Unpaid Internships Still Offer Valuable Experience?

In today’s competitive job market, unpaid internships have become a common way for students and recent graduates to gain valuable work experience. However, the debate over the ethics and practicality of unpaid internships continues to rage on. While some argue that unpaid internships exploit young workers and contribute to socioeconomic inequality, others believe that they…

Internship Interview - Man and Woman Near Table

What Are the Best Questions to Ask during an Internship Interview?

So, you’ve landed an interview for that coveted internship position you’ve been eyeing. Congratulations! Now comes the crucial part – preparing insightful questions to ask during the interview. Asking the right questions not only showcases your interest in the role but also helps you gain a deeper understanding of the company and the internship itself….

Internship Networking - Free stock photo of appartment, at home, beautiful home

How to Make the Most out of Internship Networking Opportunities?

Internships are invaluable experiences that offer a gateway to real-world work environments, allowing individuals to gain practical skills, knowledge, and connections in their chosen fields. While the primary goal of an internship is to learn and grow professionally, one of the most significant benefits lies in the networking opportunities that come along with it. Building…

Mentorship - The word leadership spelled out in scrabble letters

What’s the Role of Mentorship in a Successful Internship?

Mentorship plays a crucial role in the success of an internship, offering valuable guidance, support, and wisdom to interns as they navigate through their professional development. The relationship between a mentor and an intern can significantly impact the intern’s growth, learning, and overall experience. Let’s delve into the importance of mentorship and how it contributes…

Summer Internship - Leaves of Grass

How to Turn a Summer Internship into a Full-time Job?

As summer approaches, many students and recent graduates are gearing up for their summer internships. While internships are a valuable opportunity to gain experience and build connections, the ultimate goal for many interns is to turn their temporary position into a full-time job. Securing a full-time role at the company where you interned can be…

Internship Application - A person holding a smartphone with the app on it

What Are the Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an Internship Application?

Crafting a compelling internship application is crucial for securing a coveted position in today’s competitive job market. As a potential candidate, it is essential to understand the do’s and don’ts of writing an internship application to increase your chances of standing out among other applicants. By adhering to these guidelines, you can present yourself in…

Academic Credit - Crop businessman giving contract to woman to sign

How to Negotiate Academic Credit for Your Internship?

Securing academic credit for an internship can be a valuable way to enhance your educational experience and professional skills. However, navigating the process of negotiating academic credit can sometimes be challenging. If you’re looking to earn academic credit for your internship, there are several key steps you can take to increase your chances of success….